
Gavin Hunt - Openly Secular

Gavin is a high school student who has always been a skeptic,…

David Diskin - Openly Secular

David is a teacher of computer science, the director of Camp…

Herb Silverman - Openly Secular

Herb lives in South Carolina, is a retired math professor, and…

Daniel Beecher - Openly Secular

Dan was raised as a Mormon. He is an actor, writer, and podcaster.…
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Dustin Tucker - Openly Secular

Dustin is from South Carolina, he is an atheist and Openly Secular!…

Fred Edwords - Openly Secular

Fred is the National Director of the United Coalition of Reason,…

Dan Ellis - Openly Secular

Dan is a federal employee, golfer, and a family man. He is an…

Brian Dalton - Openly Secular

Brian Dalton the creator of the Mr. Deity Show, is an ex-Mormon,…

Raymond Sobel - Openly Secular

Raymond Sobel is retired, a member of the American Humanist Association,…